Diffability Awareness


Diffability Awareness

Diffability Awareness is an educational training programme where people who are directly affected by a disability train individuals and organisations to become more aware of all things disability. Our awareness programmes are designed to support individuals, organisations, services, workers and volunteers across a range of sectors to develop the communication and problem-solving skills required to engage confidently with disabled people. Diffability Awareness offers face to face facilitated learning sessions on a wide range of topics to help people reflect, challenge and change their ideas, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours towards disabled people. Our ultimate aim is to engage with individuals and organisations in all sectors and groups to help effect positive and lasting social change, creating a more inclusive and accessible society. 


Putting Diffability Into Perspective

  • There are 9.4 million disabled people in England, accounting for 18 percent of the population

  •  38 per cent of people believe disabled people are a burden on society and a further 27 per cent of people think disabled people are treated differently because there is a lack of knowledge around disability

  • Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of people have admitted they avoid disabled people because they don’t know how to act around them.

Here at Disability, our aim is to tackle these statistics by creating awareness and providing people with practical tools in order to adopt more inclusive values. 


Diffability Awareness In Depth

We offer a range of bespoke diffability awareness training packages and workshops tailor-made to Educate, Enrich, Empower & Enable.

Our training is both thought-provoking and engaging. A registered blind Disability Awareness Trainer, you are guaranteed an authentic insight into all things diffability. We encourage open discussion and disability simulation activities

Every training session is bespoke, with content tailor-made to the nature of our clients’ business, and the knowledge level of attending participants. We cater for groups of all ages.

All existing courses can be modified to your needs and are flexible in terms of content, length and size.

Our courses are bespoke and created in consultation with clients. We listen to what you endeavour to achieve from the sessions and work to create a tailored package which strives to meet your specific goals.

Our staff will be more than willing to work with you to research and create entirely new packages which you feel will be the most beneficial for you.