Diffability Services


Diffability Services

We aim to support people with disabilities and their families with advocacy provision, support with benefit entitlements and access to wider services. We also support people with disabilities to access work by providing compatible support workers who enable disabled people to reach their full potential. 

Diffability Data

In March 2013, the UK employment rate among working-age disabled people was 49%, compared to 81.8% of non-disabled people. There is a massive under-representation of people with disabilities in employment and here at Diffability Services, our aim is to contribute to change. We offer our service users support with creating strong CV’s, assist them with finding employment and enable them to flourish in employment by providing quality support assistants who are compatible with each individual.

Employ Ability 

Build a workforce who represent the community you serve by employing people with disabilities. Demonstrate to your customers that you are diverse and inclusive, promoting equality of opportunity and utilising every type of ability. Attract quality cross-sectional talent and fulfil your CSR and SROI objectives. We endeavour to fully assist employers to recruit, retain and sustain work-ready disabled people throughout their journey.

Get in touch and arrange a no-obligation meeting with us and find out for yourself if we can help you.

To discuss your Diffability Service requirements, for further details please email info@diffabilityservices.com 

Alternatively, request a call back below.

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